Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pasko Pasko Pasko on October 24 at Rockwell - a feel-good bazaar

One article I read from The Philippine Star (by Weng Domingo) which is worth sharing.  Below are excerpts from the article.....

"Pasko Pasko Pasko is not your usual bazaar.  For one, the bazaar gives way to a “love is blind” concept where shoppers actually have an opportunity to buy a gift for someone they have not met — a cancer patient or a family from a Gawad Kalinga (GK) village. Upon purchase of a gift, the shopper brings home a card revealing his/her generous gesture. And such card in turn could be given to their friend as a present.

Even the mere buying of goods from the bazaar’s livelihood vendors is charity in itself. Buy a parol and feed a family!

This whole affair has also given the booths for free to the vendors to expose both their existence and products to the community. It is also the objective of the bazaar to expose the livelihood and the One Town One Product (OTOP) vendors of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Rare finds include Jesse tree, Silang crafts and water hyacinth baskets.

The early birds at the bazaar will get to enjoy freshly baked French pastries of Alexandre. Bazaar visitors will also enjoy the unique holiday feel as created by the country’s floral architect Rachy Cuna."

Let's support this project!  Let's make a difference!

1 comment:

  1. 如果你正在尋找一款簡單、耐用且經濟的電子煙,悅刻官網
